Rescue Team
Today is the last day of our exams. Yey! I celebrated it by going with my friend who wants to get a haircut. There was nothing new about her except that her hair is shorter.
After doing everything we need to do, we finally decided to go home. Something happened that I don't want to discuss here. The bottomline is she went home with someone and left me. I didn't run after her but it was so disappointing. I went back in the mall and looked for someone I know to go with. There are surely a lot of people I know in there. Other Munscians must be celebrating too.
So I went around the building a couple of times. I have been in the first, second, third and fourth floors. Unfortunately, I saw nobody. There were other students from our school but I don't know them.
Finally, lonely and disappointed, I decided to go home myself. Then I heard a familiar "Ms., Ms." from the left side. There's Harvey, Chester and Mark! Yey! I was so glad. I told them everything and they ended up consoling me. Was I about to cry when I was telling them the story? Never mind. They were listening so attentively I felt loved and cared for. Then there was one who said, "Sayang. Umalis na si Rabbi." Sigh. The never-ending issue. Going back, I was so happy they found me. It's almost similar to being rescued from an island you got to when your ship got wrecked. Just as I thought I was alone and ready to go home, they appeared. Things always appear in the least expected times.
Chester left us a bit later. Soon, we left Mark. Then, I left Harvey.
This is the second time it happened to me. Click here for the first one. When someone ditches me and I feel so alone, somebody always appears to be with me.
Whenever you're ditched and you feel like you're the only person with nobody with in the planet, remember that your rescue team is coming. They could never be too far.
Dinner last Sunday
To celebrate the completeness of the family, Tita Jane treated us to dinner.

That's us eating.

Mama and Papa with children and in-laws

Mama and Papa with grandchildren

Outside Gerry's Grill
Road Manners
A portion of the road leading to our village is being repaired. We have to suffer from heavy traffic every time we pass by that road.
Today was the first time I experienced the heavy traffic in there. We waited for about 10 minutes before we finally moved. Waiting was okay since it's not too hot but one rude driver keeps on blowing his horn at us. He did that for a lot of times not too mention that each blow lasted for at least 5 seconds. The noise he created was so deafening and stressful. As if the car in the front of the line will hear him if he continues blowing his horn.
After waiting for about 10 minutes the vehicles in front finally moved. We were so glad we're moving again. Now we could go home. As for the car, it didn't move. It was stuck there. It was left behind blocking the traffic. I didn't know what happened to him next. His ears were probably bleeding because of the horns blowing behind him.
Anyway, that's it. I just wanted to share this funny experience.
I added new pictures to the post, Math Day/Camp. That was last month. So if you want to see them, click here.
Anyway, thanks to my sponsor, Joyce. Yey! =P
The National Achievement Test is approaching. We are constantly being reminded of reviewing for the NAT because our city depends on our school. A teacher said that.
Because of that, we have to take a lot of exams to test our knowledge about this subject and that. Last week, we took the MOCK Test given by the Division Office. There were 300 questions. 60 questions for each subject which includes Math, English, Science, Filipino and History. We took the test, I think, 5 hours straight so we were too tired to bother reading the long and numerous texts in Filipino and the wordy questions in History. Filipino and History were the last two tests we took.
We just checked the test results and we were informed about the very low average. We listened to our teacher's criticisms an hour long. He was fuming mad because we got a very low average. He shouldn't scold us. The other sections got the lower scores, so why blame it on us? Grr. He told us how bad our scores were in the English test. I got 12 mistakes in that test and most of them were just plain errors made by the Division Office.
Thursday and Friday will be test days also. Six unfortunate people were randomly picked and they will take the test the DO prepared tomorrow.
Next week is exam week. The first two days will be for the NAT and the rest will be for the periodical exams. And because our division wants to be on top so bad, they're giving out incentives for everyone who will get high scores. The Math department considers the NAT as our periodical exams. 30% of our final grade will be based on the test results. The English department, I think, will get 30% of our final grade from the test results also. In addition to that, students will be exempted from taking the Speech & Drama test if they get a score of 50+. Also, two points will also be added to their final grade.
That's why we have to work real hard.
We were dealing with ballads in English.
As a group activity, our teacher asked us to present a music video of any love song we prefer. Someone suggested Gemini by Sponge Cola (See the lyrics on the right side?).
Our video started in a prom where friends pushed a boy and a girl to the dance floor where they danced for the whole night until they were too tired to dance. Then one boy enters the scene and takes the girl away. He was the girl's real date. So the boy the girl danced with (and enjoyed being with) was left alone. The girl walks with her real date defenseless and looking back at the boy he thought was her date.
I don't know who among my groupmates thought of this story. Anyway, sorry I don't know how to dance. I was shaking, really. Ask him.
We received a shimmering 94% for this presentation. Our group got the lowest grade. Sigh. My fault. Some group mates also forgot to do their jobs so we got demerits for the criterion, teamwork.
Sigh. T_T
Bonding with our PC
Ate Angge just got done installing Mandrake 10 in our home desktop PC!
Like her, I love our new PC. Yesterday was Muntinlupa Day, in short, a holiday for the people of Muntinlupa . Too bad for the people who lives in Muntinlupa but works not in Muntinlupa. Anyway, since there were no classes yesterday, I spent the whole day bonding with our new PC! I love our PC.
And because I love using our PC, I decided to update my blog.
We didn't have regular classes today because we have to rehearse for the Cultural Show tomorrow entitled "Handog". My fingers got calloused because we rehearsed all day. My back also ached because I have to bend to see the pieces. We have only 4 music stands so we have to share.
The other students who are not members of the MSHS Rondalla prepared dance numbers for tomorrow. I haven't got a chance to watch their rehearsals becuase we were also rehearsing so I'm very excited to watch them. The sports center will be filled with students in colorful dresses tomorrow. I'm so excited to see my classmates dance. Hehe.
I'll give details on what will happen tomorrow next time. I'll try to include pics.