René Tamaki Richard Grantaine
Following my previous post about my despair, could it be that I am in love? If that is so, then must I take this test too?

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Anyway, I want to make this post's mood a bit happier so I'll fill this with OHSHC memories (a.k.a Tamaki memories).

"Before (when Haruhi and Hikaru dated which ended with a thunderstorm), I fell in love with Hikaru. From that point, I voted for Hikaru. All because he has a bitter history and that he allowed someone into their world--about the "Which One is Hikaru?" game. But when I reached the part about how Tamaki worked very hard to get the twins in the host club [plus, telling them something like "No one would ever know which is which if they don't allow people to enter their world."], about how he enlightened Hani to be who he really wants to be, about how he wanted to be friends with Kyoya [though their parents are sort of enemies in business], about how his parents sold him, about how much he loved his mother, and about how he was so disliked by his grandmother, I fell in love with him. I switched my vote to Tamaki."
So that was how my story went. Anyway, I don't know what to feel about this—Lady Eclair doesn't appear in the manga. I am so disappointed. For me, her presence made watching the anime's ending worthwhile. Actually, it was she who made my love meter for Tamaki increase by 60% from 41%. Yes, that's 101% in total. It's just too hard for me to accept that Lady Eclair isn't really true. I mean, in making an anime, changing the plot a little bit is okay, but going that far is...I don't know. I find it unacceptable. I mean, an episode was invented! That makes my love meter drop to 70%.
See, I really liked the way Haruhi called out, "Senpai, come back! No one wants you to leave." And the way Tamaki refused and said, "But the host club has caused trouble for everyone." And where Haruhi replies, "Senpai, you really are an idiot! A big idiot! After all this time we've been together, you can't even tell the difference between a joke and the truth? Everyone loves the Host Club! They really love it!" And she adds, "I—I love the host club too." Then she extends her hand to Tamaki just like Tamaki always does to everybody. This also shows that Lady Eclair has a soft spot after all—when she lets go of Tamaki's arm so he could save Haruhi—after telling Tamaki, "You're a host, aren't you? Make me happier."
But I couldn't think of a better ending for the anime, so i would have to half-heartedly leave it at that. Fortunately, reading the manga added 30%, which makes my love 100% now.
BTW, I collected quotes from the manga but I realized that they were all Tamaki-related. So, here goes...
##Apologize to everybody. Lots and lots to Tamaki too. Apologize for causing such a worry.
-I didn't actually understand why Haruhi's act troubled Tamaki so much until Hani explained that Haruhi got everyone worried. I guess thinking like Haruhi, sometimes, might get me in trouble.
##You know, we like Tamaki very much. So we can’t forgive anyone who hurts Tamaki.
@You’re only a third son, so no matter how much you try, you can never be the heir to the family, can you? No wonder you lick crumbs of glory from the boots of the chairman’s son.
Hey, that’s none of your business. If you have a grudge, resolve it in the competition.
@Oh my! How ill-mannered. Whose daughter is she?
Why do we have to care when we aren’t doing anything bad?
-Those two up there make me love Tamaki even more.
@I really don’t have much ideas when it comes to martial arts but, isn’t strength the ability to renounce every lie in your heart? Although it is not my place to imply, but to hide your true self only to impress others is just a form of cowardice to me. Is it not best to be who you are and accept it?
Wouldn’t you agree that having the courage and bravery to be honest with yourself is another form of strength?
@For the sake of Miss Mitsuyama’s misery, the host club must win!
@That day, we found our hearts unexpectedly warmed by Highness, who’d said exactly what we’d always longed to hear.
-Proof that under Tamaki's childish behavior lies a mature mind.
@Grandmother! You took the trouble to come, grandmother!
@I’ll move to
-Proof that he doesn't hold grudges.Next comes my HanixMori mania.
##I see. Suou asked you to join too, Takashi? You know what he said to me? He said that it’s alright for me to like sweet things. And it’s fine for me to love cake. What should I do, Takashi?
You should do what your heart tells you to do.
##To get someone to understand, you need to talk to them. If you want them to like you, you should talk to them a lot! I don’t like having my feelings changed by a curse. Things that Kanazuki-chan likes, is not good at, or makes her happy—if you talked about things like that, I’d like to hear more about them Kanazuki-chan, you know, I—I like people who put in effort, even if they’re not good at it.
##A person who can’t care about himself can’t protect anyone, I think.
##I love you, Haruhi. But the truth is, Hikaru is more important to me.
##The next time that you lie to me, I won’t forgive you.
##Kaoru, you are kind, so you are ready to restrain your desire and let Hikaru have it?←Haruhi saying such serious things for a cookie.
-I could have cried when I read those lines if OHSHC were intended for drama. Whenever you read a touching line and you feel tears beginning to form in your eyes, someone from the characters pops and injects humor into it.
Random quotes:
Mori: I have thought of wanting to kiss Mitsukuni.
Tamaki: To be more precise, I am LIKE her father.
Was this Kyoya?: What makes you think that?
Tamaki: Because I find her cute and I had desires of kissing her and I am full of thoughts of my own child.
Tamaki: Mom, the pressure on a third son must be tough. Would you like a shoulder massage?
Kyoya: Thanks, dad. But you know, I’m enjoying it.
I also remember having this thing for this:
"Ouran Private Academy is defined, by: one, prestigious families, and two, wealth. And prosperous people with time on their hands. Therefore, Ouran Host Club is about these handsome guys that have time.. Giving hospitalities to these lovely ladies who also have time.. And profit off of them. It's an elegant game unique to this super-rich school."
I don't know, but for me, nothing beats the beginning which is repeated in the end. It never fails to impress me, no matter how many times I have seen things like these. But the plot has to be good first, of course. Hearing this in the last episode makes me want to cry and smile at the same time which directs me to my previous post—my dislike for endings.
Before I end this, I was thinking, will it be okay if Haruhi ends with no one instead? Because just now, I realized that accepting HikaruxHaruhi will be difficult for me. At the same time, TamakixHaruhi will be difficult for the other party. So I was thinking of a 'surprise ending', I mean, I won't get that surprised if Haruhi ends with Hikaru. It obviously won't be surprising if she ends with Tamaki. So for an unexpected ending, she might end up with no one because I'm guessing that whoever she ends up with, the host club will be dissolved in either way. And from the title itself, it means that it's all about the host club. Anyway, that's just a guess.
P.S. I apologize if you got tired of reading "Tamaki" over and over.
Yay, you finally read it! *huggles* (This is assuming that you've read the most recent chapter which I foresee you did XD)
Regarding Lady Eclair's part, I guess I have to disagree. I was actually relieved that it didn't happen (oh my God, please kill me, I'm really a solid HikaHaru supporter *dies* I'm so sorry!) because it showed the bias-ness of anime to the canon pairing *dies again* Like what I've mentioned before, I really prefer reading the manga (this goes for most of the series I keep track of) because the manga shows sides of the characters that the anime cuts off. >_>
I'm actually currently addicted to "Shissou".
I know exactly what you feel! After watching Ouran, Sakura Kiss and Last Alliance have been playing on my iPod over and over! I love those songs XD (Miyano Mamoru's Kanau Nara really speaks of his character's relationship to Haruhi. I almost died when I heard this because it's the perfect song for TamaxHaru yet at the same time, I felt so sad because there aren't any HikaxHaru songs!)
Next comes my HanixMori mania.
LOL! They are absolutely cute!! XD I love them both like ORZWHUT?! because... Kyaah XD (That didn't make any sense, did it?) But I have caught a small glimpse of MorixHaruhi in the series (but Mori would probably say, "I love you but I love Mitsukini more." like what Kaoru did.
##Let’s go home, Hikaru. When we get home, let’s take a bath together like in the old days! Let’s sleep in our own identical pajamas after lining up our pillows and from tomorrow on, let each of us have our own room.
A part of me died when I read this. This part just strengthened my support for HikaxHaru because Kaoru sacrificed so much T___T For Hikaru. I felt so sad about this because Hikaru and Kaoru have been together since the start - and they've been truly identical. One twin wanting to part from the other is so sad, in the case of the Hitachiins. Hikaru's reply made the remaining parts of me die. T_T He dyed his hair! Wahh! Though I can't deny that it looked hot, it makes me feel really lonely!
##I love you, Haruhi. But the truth is, Hikaru is more important to me.
Holy merciful crap, Kaoru should srsly be canonized for this.
Tamaki: To be more precise, I am LIKE her father.
Was this Kyoya?: What makes you think that?
Tamaki: Because I find her cute and I had desires of kissing her and I am full of thoughts of my own child.
LOL XD this reminds me of the Kasanoda arc. I really liked that part, when Kaoru's 'Pumkin Theory' was proven wrong. XD It was really funny and the way Tamaki's soul went out was lol XD
I don't know, but for me, nothing beats the beginning which is repeated in the end. It never fails to impress me, no matter how many times I have seen things like these. But the plot has to be good first, of course. Hearing this in the last episode makes me want to cry and smile at the same time which directs me to my previous post—my dislike for endings.
I KNOW! Endings give me this 'lonely' feeling, too (that's why I'm scared of facing OHSHC's ending T^T) and yes, like you, I was really pulled into the anime by those lines and pulled back when everything ended.
Before I end this, I was thinking, will it be okay if Haruhi ends with no one instead? Because just now, I realized that accepting HikaruxHaruhi will be difficult for me. At the same time, TamakixHaruhi will be difficult for the other party. So I was thinking of a 'surprise ending', I mean, I won't get that surprised if Haruhi ends with Hikaru. It obviously won't be surprising if she ends with Tamaki. So for an unexpected ending, she might end up with no one because I'm guessing that whoever she ends up with, the host club will be dissolved in either way. And from the title itself, it means that it's all about the host club. Anyway, that's just a guess.
This is the first time I've heard this coming from a TamaxHaru fan! (Because I've been surrounding myself with HikaxHaru fans, we're all hoping for a 'surprising ending' where Hika-chan ends with Haru-chan). I guess we're not much different!~
I agree. I'll be surprised if Haruhi ends up with no one but I'll feel more lonely than ever with an incomplete ending because in the end, not one of them would 'grow up' (Tamaki, Haruhi and Hikaru). I would be really sad T__T (And I bet that a lot of people would end up strangling Bisco-sensei xD especially since we're all on the edge of out seats for this >_> orzz) I just hope that Bisco-sensei won't corrupt Haruhi any more than already shown T^T I love wtf-I-don't-care Haruhi! sobsob
As for me, I'd really like a settled ending (yes, even if it's TamaxHaru T_T - but still! I'm praying here T^T).
In your previous post, you mentioned about feeling sentimental about otaku stuff. ^o^ *grins* Yayy, welcome to the club! (lol but I don't know if that's a good thing or not because once you've entered the otaku life, it's hard to get out)
BTW, I love your new layout~ *squee*
"Like what I've mentioned before, I really prefer reading the manga (this goes for most of the series I keep track of) because the manga shows sides of the characters that the anime cuts off."
- I agree. It happens all the time. Even in books made into movies.
"I love you but I love Mitsukini more."
- I would love to hear this. LOL.
"Let’s go home, Hikaru. When we get home, let’s take a bath together like in the old days! Let’s sleep in our own identical pajamas after lining up our pillows and from tomorrow on, let each of us have our own room."
- I was sooo sad about this too. I find it so hard to see ends, partings, separations, etc. T_T
I felt sad for the hair-dyeing too. Though it's part of the character development, I still can't stand seeing characters mature.
"As for me, I'd really like a settled ending..."
- I agree. It would be harder if he laves the ending to us. And yes, readers might strangle him. Hehehe.
"BTW, I love your new layout~ *squee*"
- Yay! Thank you. I just feel the need to address my love for chocolates. LOL.
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