Our Play
Our play turned out well. Thanks to the propsmen, the director, the scriptwriters, and to the cast as well. Yes, it turned out fine aside from the unperformed musical numbers, some lines I forgot which I immediately covered up with adlibs [thankfully], long intervals of set-changing, and un-brought props. But they said it was okay.
I was also so happy because I got to dance in the masquerade! Thanks to Shara and Harvey for dancing with me.
Here are some of the pictures I haven't posted yet. I won't be needing to add captions here because I have introduced the cast before, right?

Anyway, here are some lines taken from the play that I liked.
##Antoinette: Have you had tea already? And a mean old man just FORCED himself on me! The horror of it!
##Antoinette: But he's so...OLD!
I loved how terrible Antoinette describes old Count Vladimir.
##Antoinette: It's not heartburn, silly! My heart--it feels weird for some reason.It keeps beating so hard that I can't breathe like the time when I was chased by that dog! And my stomach feels like it is knotted within me like the time I had diarrhea!
This is my favorite Antoinette dialogue.**heart eyes**
##Amethyst: Honestly, how beautiful those eyes are!
##Arthur: Your smile is beau--um, ehem. Yes, I would proceed.
What can I say? Wahahaha.
##Hella: Au revoir, cute king!
##Hella: I'm back, you drooling mongrel!
Both are addressed to King Arthur. I think these lines are cute.
##Antoinette: OW! You just stepped on my foot!
##Count Vladimir: It was just your imagination princess.
I loved how stupid Count Vladimir's defense is.
##Yorich, the Jester: Hey, hey, do I look pretty now?
##Antoinette: You look like a pig's butt!
Yorich, the Jester: Let me be selfish for a while...(embraces Antoinette)
**heart eyes**
Narrator: (I sort of forgot how this was exactly written but it goes like...) Count Vladimir found joy in Purplevine's arms. And they lived happily ever after.
Sorry, I really can't remember how it went. I liked it simply because this is where Chester falls in love with Janine. Wahahaha.
**Thanks to Patrice for the last pic!
**Sorry, I cannot grant your request. However, I will be happy to tell you in private how the story went. I wouldn't want to be the one to tell the world about the work of our beloved scriptwriters.
**Oh, thanks for waiting for like forever for this page to load. Thanks again!
whahahaha... is the 3rd message is also for me?(i dont know if a have a appropriate grammar) wahahaha tell me privately ok... it would be better if in personal... heheheh thx din... ayan nakikilala mo na kademonyohan ko
Congratulations~~ You guys were really awesome~!!
thanks kriselle!
you looked really great in your "man attire". you looked like gian. peace!^^
Btw, here're the pictures. I'm not sure if you can view them, but I enabled the 'everyone' setting in the views:
Oops, I posted the wrong link.
Just click on my name here~ ^^
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